AMO Induced Western Pacific Variability
发布日期: 2019/09/27

Speaker:Xiaopei Lin,Prof.,Ocean University of China,Pilot National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology (Qingdao)

Time:14:30-15:30,Sunday, 29/09/2019

Place:SOO Room 120, Xuhui Campus


About the speaker:

Dr. Xiaopei Lin received his Ph.D. degree in Physical Oceanography from Ocean University of China in 2004. His research interests are in interactions between the deep ocean and Chinese marginal seas and the variability of coastal ocean environments. In recent years, Dr. Lin’s work has been focused on heat transport of the Kuroshio Current and shelf circulations as well as their role in regional climate change. He has also been collaborating with Texas A&M University and Woods Hole Institute of Oceanography on the development of high-resolution, coupled ocean-atmosphere models for Chinese marginals seas and the Western Pacific Ocean. Dr. Lin has authored or co-authored over 90 publications in Science, Nature, Nature Communications, JGR: Oceans, etc. He is currently the director of Laboratory for Ocean Dynamics and Climate at QNLM, and the winner of the National Science Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholars in 2019.


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